The problem of landslides in riverbank and seaport areas causes heavy damage to people's economic activities in coastal and riverside areas. Therefore, to ensure the safety of residential areas near the banks, it is necessary to construct solid embankments

The problem of landslides in riverbank and seaport areas causes heavy damage to people's economic activities in coastal and riverside areas. Therefore, to ensure the safety of residential areas near the banks, it is necessary to construct solid embankments
The problem of landslides in riverbanks and seaports is no longer a new problem for our country, and the consequences it brings not only seriously affect the works themselves in the landslide area but also affect the to neighboring structures, causing heavy damage to people's economic activities in coastal riverine areas such as: loss of agricultural land, damage to houses, and more seriously, it can cause death and destruction. an entire urban residential area. Therefore, to ensure the safety of residential areas near the banks, it is necessary to construct solid embankments
Because of these unpredictable consequences, there have been many researched options for embankment construction that have been proposed and applied to projects in Vietnam to overcome landslides that can occur in areas where Coastal areas, seaports, river banks, canals, ditches, embankments, etc.
In addition to arranging coatings and structures to protect the bank foot and bank roof, strengthening the bank roof; treatment of land on banks and river beds; Increasing the load-bearing capacity of soft ground is very important . In recent years, many roof reinforcement technologies such as geogrids, NeoWeb system..., weak soil treatment such as horizontal seepage, deep drilled soil cement piles have been widely applied in construction. construction, can be used as an embankment to prevent riverbank erosion and prevent floods. In particular, the method of reinforcing the bank roof and foot of the bank using soil cement pile technology is very preferred because it has the following advantageous characteristics: Fast construction speed, well-controlled pile quality, can be constructed. underwater, suitable for heterogeneous geological background such as coral, pebbles, rocks...
Dong Nai river embankment
Reinforcing the foot of the riverbank using soil cement pile technology is a superior foundation reinforcement technology that is widely used in Vietnam. For riverbank sections with weak geology and thick soft soil layers like rivers in the Southern region, where the solution of driving concrete piles and piles to protect the foot of the bank is not effective, the use of soil cement pile technology is very suitable.